Journey to Fostering

Here we are- my first post! I literally thought ‘I should blog about foster care’ about 3 minutes ago, and thanks to the wonders of the internet, here I am writing about it on my own blog page.
A little about me- my name is Kaylee, I live in Denver with my husband Andy and our daughter. We are fairly new to fostering, we just got our first placement in June of this year (2017). So right now we have a 12 month old little boy we will call Baby A.

Our journey to foster care started before my daughter was even born, around 6 years ago. My husband was a youth pastor at the time and we met a 12 year old boy who had come into care and he was available for adoption. We knew the foster family well, as they went to our church, and began spending time with them more and getting to know B. After not too long we- a very young couple, I believe I was 22 at the time- decided we wanted to pursue fostering and hopefully adopting B.

Looking back, I can see why the court thought we were nuts. I was only 10 years older than the boy I wanted to be my son. At the time that didn’t matter to us and we got on the fastest track possible to become foster parents and try to adopt B. We had a room set up for him, so sure that we were the place he was meant to be forever.

We got very close to becoming certified foster parents when we were told that B was going to an adoptive home - not ours. And quickly. He was gone within a week to his new home and that was that. I remember Father’s Day was right after that, and I was so bitter that we were an empty nest, no one to celebrate Andy, no one he was a father to. Looking back st all that has transpired since that day, it of course makes sense in the bigger picture. We were introduced to foster care, a world we hadn’t considered, a path I never thought we would pursue again. Clearly I was wrong!

Thank you for reading, I plan on continuing our story in the next post and catching up to present day.
